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Min. Order:1piece
Group:Sight Glasses
Packing:35cm x 26cm x 28cm
Tags:Sight Glass, refrigeration parts, hvac, air conditioning
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Solenoid Valves
Tags:Solenoid Valve, Valve, Closed Solenoid Valve, Normally Closed Solenoid Valve
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Magnetic Check Valves
Tags:Straight Line Right Angle Check Valve, Refrigeration One-Way Valve, Copper Check Valve, HVACR Check Valve, refrigerant check valves
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Valve Series
Tags:Restrictor, suction control valve/scv, Restrictor valve
wholesale Hand Valve for refrigerant air conditioner system air conditioning valve with Brass body .
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Hand Valves
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:check valve, copper check valve, teflon check valve, copper check valve cost
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Split Shut-off Valves
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Solenoid Valves
Tags:solenoid valve, propane solenoid valve, condensate drain solenoid valve, solenoid valve price, solenoid valve actuator
Model:Oil Differential Pressure Switch
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Pressure Controls
Tags:Pressure Switch, Oil Differential Pressure Switch, Differential Pressure Switch
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:US5-44 JB Industries, Connection sets, air-conditioning, heat pump system
Min. Order:500piece
Group:Solenoid Valves
Tags:danfoss hot gas defrost valve, 3-way hot gas defrost valve, sporlan hot gas defrost valve, refrigeration 3-way heat valves, R134a expansion valve, A/C expansion valve
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Tags:air conditioner Expansion Valve, copper outputs Hydro-Pro+ Premium, Brass expansion valve, T 2/TE 2 Series with exchangeable orifice
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Tags:Electronic Expansion Valve, oil-free system (T series), heat pumps, bidirectional flow
Min. Order:1piece
Group:4-Way Reversing Valves
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Hand Valves
Tags:recirculating injector, injection tool, exhaust gas recirculaton
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:Plunger Check Valve, Check Valve, Check Valve For Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Brass Check Valve, Brass Body Plunger Check Valve, Check Valve For Refrigeration
Model:Dual Pressure Switch
FOB:US $18-30/piece
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Pressure Switches
Packing:20cm x 15cm x 10cm
Tags:pressure switch, dual pressure switch, dual steam boiler pressure switch, adjustable oil water pressure switch, electronic mechanical pressure control switch, pressure control switch
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Vibration Absorber Tubes
Tags:Refrigeration Parts, Vibration Absorber Tube, Eliminator Tube
Min. Order:500piece
Group:Pressure Controls
Packing:5cm x 10cm x 10cm
Tags:Pressure Regulating Valve, Pressure Regulator, Evaporator Pressure Regulator
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:Plunger Globe Valve, Globe Valve, Globe Valve For Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Brass Globe Valve, Brass Body Plunger Globe Valve, Globe Valve For Refrigeration
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Rotalock Valves
Tags:rotalock valve for maneurope compressor, air conditioning valve, compressor parts Steel Rotalock Valves
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:Copper Valves, Refrigeration Valve, Bar-Stock Service Valve, air connditioner valves
Min. Order:500piece
Group:Plunger Check Valves
Tags:Restrictor, restrictor bands, air-conditioning, heat pump system
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Ball Valves
Tags:Refrigeration Check Valve, Parker Copper Check Valve, brass ball valve, air conditioner parts
Min. Order:100piece
Group:Rotalock Valves
Tags:Cast Iron Stop Valve, air conditioning valve, air conditioning parts
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Solenoid Valves
Min. Order:500piece
Group:Solenoid Valves
Tags:Expansion valve danfoss, Expansion valve danfoss refrigeration, Heat Reclaim Valve, HVAC air conditioning danfoss thermostatic, R134a expansion valve, A/C expansion valve
Model:Wholesale Single Pressure Switch
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Pressure Switches
Tags:Single Pressure Switch, air compressor, compressor pressure
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Ball Valves
Tags:ball valve, valve, Copper ball valve
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Pressure Switches
Tags:Pressure Switch, air compressor Pressure Switch, compressor pressure, LPS/HPS
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Magnetic Check Valves
Tags:Magnetic non return check valve, Refrigeration One-Way Valve, Copper Magnetic Check Valve, HVACR Magnetic Check Valve, refrigerant check valves
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Hand Valves
Tags:Receiver Valve, Refrigeration Accessories, Two way valves
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Valve Series
Tags:Capped Valve, Brass Capped Valve, Packed Cap Line Valve, Capped Valve For Cooling System, Brass Packed Cap Line Valve, Packed Cap Line Valve For Cooling System
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